SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.
SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.

Stonington Village Improvement Association
Wad Square Tree & Holiday Decor
22 High Street,
Stonington, CT 06378
Holiday Decor
On the first Friday of December, the Tree Lighting on Wadawanuck Square kicks off the holiday season with caroling led by the Stonington Middle School chorus, a visit from Santa, and everyone heads off to the Stroll down Water Street to visit all the merchants.
For many years, there was an evergreen tree that was decorated each winter with lights for this special evening and to light up the Square through the dark winter nights. That tree died, and the SVIA replaced it with another magnificent evergreen. We thank the Stonington Garden Club, the Stonington Free Library, and the Stonington COMO for helping us make this gift to the Borough possible.
In addition to lighting the big tree in Wad Square, the SVIA hangs wreaths on the viaduct fence, adds lights to Cannon Square, and hangs wreaths and lights in front of the Library.