SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.
SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.

Stonington Village Improvement Association
Water Fountains
Collaboration: SVIA & The Town of Stonington
8-14 Northwest Street
Stonington, CT 06378
The Stonington Village Improvement Association collaborated with the town of Stonington to install a bottle fill station and a dog watering bowl just outside the main entrance of the Borough playground at the Town docks.
This project has been in the works for a few years, and many hands and minds have worked together to bring it to fruition. The SVIA wants to especially acknowledge and thank Barbara McKrell, Director of Publix Works, and Nate Miceli, Senior Equipment Operator, who was the lead and project manager.